Berggren, Suzanne_ S., Vincent - Chair Yoga for Seniors_ Approachable Sessions to Develop Strength, Flexibility and Stability. Improve Balance and Prevent Falls. Relax Body and Mind.-Scaart (2022)

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Do you really still thinking that Yoga is infeasible at your age? Take a sit and stay young! Thinking about yoga inevitably brings to mind well-trained bodies and contortionist poses, something that may have always kept you away from yoga, inevitably making you think, "No, it's not for me!" or "No, I can't! " Especially at a certain age, aches and pains affect us so much in daily life, limiting us in activities and gestures, deciding for us what we can do and what we can't, to the point that they often cause total inactivity, which is absolutely deleterious for the elderly. It's very important to keep active, and yoga is the perfect means of getting regular exercise without overexertion. In fact, with the simple addition of a chair as a support, it's possible to make this practice accessible to anyone, at any level, to women or men, at any age or physical condition, giving us a way to receive all the benefits from this wonderful discipline, including reducing the risk of injury due to falls in the elderly. The book will feature: What to know about Chair Yoga ― Things to know about it before to start, how to practice it in the right way, what I need and how it can help to keep your body youthful relieving daily aches solving physical discomforts; the importance of breathing, how and when to do it. 4 easy-to-practice sequences ― Practicable sessions for every level; Warming upfor joints, limbs and senses. Gentle startto start moving, if you start moving after long time to regain coordination and mobility. Tone session to get the best benefits, If you feel confident enough to move, flex and stretch your body a little more intensely to increase your range of motion and improve circulation. Relax session to relieve stress and anxiety in order to sleep placidly. Customize your session ― You'll find out how you can build your own sequence based on your physical needs by following a few simple rules, plus you'll find 5 more sequences useful to work on some of the most common problems that come up as you age. And more.. “Yoga doesn’t take time, it gives you time back” "Chair Yoga for Seniors" will fully introduce you to Chair Yoga. Keep yourself in motion and boost self-confidence, the first step on the way to a new independence!

Author(s): Suzanne Berggren; Vincent S.
Publisher: Scaart
Year: 2022

Language: English
Commentary: Chair Yoga Seniors, Strength, Flexibility and Stability. Improve Balance and Prevent Falls. Relax Body and Mind
Pages: 126
Tags: Chair Yoga Seniors, Strength, Flexibility and Stability. Improve Balance and Prevent Falls. Relax Body and Mind


How to use this book?


What Chair yoga is?

What are the Differences Between Chair Yoga and a Regular Yoga?

Where can it be practiced?

When is best timing?


Studies says that:



Dirua Pranayama

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

Prayer (Anjali mudra)

Dressing and useful tools


Warming up


Blinking hands

Fingers tap

Moving wrists and ankles

Feet up and down

Gentle session

Mountain pose (Tadasana)

Tree position variation (Vrksasana)

Shoulders rotation

Neck twist (Kantasanchalana)

Elbows in circle

Pidgeon pose ( Eka Pada Rajakapotasana )

Cat-cow (Chakravakasana)

Wind-Relieving pose (Pavanamuktasana)

Leg rotation

Knee reinforcement

Elbow to knee

Forward Bend (Prasarita-padottaasana)

Warrior pose 3 (Virabhadrasana 3)

Standing Forward Fold Pose (Uttasana)

Flex and Tone

Tree position variation (Vrksasana)

Goddess pose (Utkata konasana)

Side stretch (Utthita parsvakonasana)

Gate pose (Parighasana)

Revolved Easy Pose (Parivrtta sukhasana)

Boat pose (Navasana)

Revolved pose (Parivrtta uttanasana)

Shoulder bend

Puppy pose variation (Uttanasana)

Warrior pose (Virabhadrasana 2)

Crescent lunge pose (Ashta chandrasana)

Hand to big toe (Utthita hasta padangusthasana)

Three limb one foot stretch (Triang eka pada paschimottanasana)

Corpse pose (savasana)

Calm down and Sleep

Mountain pose (Tadasana)

Tree position variation (Vrksasana)

Neck flexion

Cow face (Gomukasana)

Half Lord (Ardha Matsyendrâsana)

Torso rotation

Arms Crossed

Tapping on the leg

Standing figure four pose (Eka Pada Utkatasana)

Eagle pose (Garudasana)

Mountain pose variation (Tadasana)

Cat-cow (Chakravakasana)

Standing Forward Fold Pose (Uttasana)

Camel pose (Ustrasana)

Downward dog chair (Adho mukha svanasana)

Corpse pose (savasana)


Other sequences

Back and posture

Core strengthening

Balance and coordination

Joint mobility

Limbs mobility



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